Introduction Pages vii-viii Colin Eaborn |
Simple and complex metal hydrides of the main group metals. A personal account of the early days Pages 1-10 E. C. Ashby |
Thirty years in organosilicon chemistry Pages 11-36 Raymond Calas |
Large metal carbonyl clusters (LMCC) Pages 37-61 P. Chini |
An organometallic journey from fluorine to platinum Pages 63-78 Howard C. Clark |
Connections between coordination, organometallic, and bioinorganic chemistry Pages 79-85 James P. Collman |
Studies of homolytic organometallic reactions Pages 87-99 Alwyn G. Davies |
Selectivity in organometallic reactions through anchimeric coordination Pages 101-117 John J. Eisch |
The use of atoms of the group iv, v and vi transition metals for the synthesis of zerovalent arene compounds and related studies Pages 119-132 Malcolm L. H. Green |
Homogeneous catalytic hydrogenation: A retrospective account Pages 133-144 Jack Halpern |
An account of studies into hydrido-metal complexes and cluster compounds Pages 145-159 Herbert D. Kaesz |
Acetylenes, cyclobutadienes and palladium: A personal view Pages 161-176 Peter M. Maitlis |
Cluster Chemistry Pages 177-190 Earl L. Muetterties |
Chemistry of platinum and palladium compounds of bulky phosphines Pages 191-205 Sei Otsuka |
Nucleophilic addition to transition metal complexes Pages 207-221 Peter L. Pauson |
Hydroformylation of olefinic hydrocarbons with rhodium and cobalt catalysts: Analogies and dissimilarities Pages 223-242 Piero Pino |
Advances in the chemistry of organometallic polynuclear compounds containing σ-bonded metals Pages 243-259 G. A. Razuvaev |
Spectra and some reactions of organopolysilanes Pages 261-286 Hideki Sakurai |
New phosphaneborane chemistry Pages 287-306 Hubert Schmidbaur |
Some steric, conformational and entropy effects of tertiary phosphine ligands Pages 307-318 Bernard L. Shaw |
Nitrogen fixation by transition metal compounds: Results and prospects Pages 319-334 M. E. Vol'pin |
The way to novel sandwich-type complexes C12 C12 Pages 335-348 H Werner |
Contributions to homogeneous catalysis 1955–1980 Pages 349-364 G. Wilke |
Cumulative author index: vol. 176 (1979)–200 (1980) Pages 365-388 |
Cumulative subject index: vol. 176 (1979)–200 (1980) Pages 389-486 |